The Mystery Knight

The Mystery Knight puts Ser Dunk in the reign of Aerys Targaryen I and the aftermath of the Blackfyre Rebellion.

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The Mystery Knight
  • Release Date: March 16, 2010
  • Content Type: Book / Graphic Novel
  • Description: The third tale from the ‘Dunk and Egg’ series. It was first published in the Warriors 1 anthology in 2010 and later adapted into a graphic novel in 2017. Martin then re-published the trio of tales in A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms.
  • Two years after The Sworn Sword, Dunk and Egg travel through the Riverlands, as they get involved in the latest conflict between the Starks of Winterfell and the raiding Greyjoys from the Iron Islands.
  • ReviewsThe Mystery Knight holds a 4.23 rating (out of 5) on Goodreads. While the trio of stories in A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms has a 4.22 rating.
  • Martin has stated that he intends to write additional tales about Dunk and Egg in the future.
  • Dunk & Egg’s tales are being developed into a new HBO series – A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms: The Hedge Knight.
  • PurchaseThe Mystery Knight graphic novel | A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms (a collection of all three Dunk & Egg tales) | Legends II anthology

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