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A Storm of Swords (Book 3)

Set right after the events of book 2, A Storm of Swords sees the battle for the Iron Throne continue as Daenerys Targaryen’s forces grow.

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A Storm of Swords
  • Release Date: August 8, 2000
  • Content Type: Book
  • Description: “Of the five contenders for power, one is dead, another in disfavor, and still the wars rage, as alliances are made and broken. Joffrey sits on the Iron Throne, the uneasy ruler of the Seven Kingdoms. His most bitter rival, Lord Stannis, stands defeated and disgraced, victim of the sorceress who holds him in her thrall. Young Robb still rules the North from the fortress of Riverrun. Meanwhile, making her way across a blood-drenched continent is the exiled queen, Daenerys, mistress of the only three dragons left in the world. And as opposing forces maneuver for the final showdown, an army of barbaric wildlings arrives from the outermost limits of civilization, accompanied by a horde of mythical Others—a supernatural army of the living dead whose animated corpses are unstoppable. As the future of the land hangs in the balance, no one will rest until the Seven Kingdoms have exploded in a veritable storm of swords.” (Random House)
  • Reviews: A Storm of Swords has a 4.54 rating (out of 5) on Goodreads. It was nominated for the Hugo Award but lost to Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire.
  • Charts: Book 3 debuted on the New York Times Best Seller list in 12th place. Following the release of the first season of the show the book re-entered the charts peaking at #14. The A Song of Ice and Fire saga has sold more than 90 million copies in total.
  • PurchaseSingle Paperback | Single Hardcover | Paperback Set (Books -5)

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